Thursday, August 15, 2013


Alteration in Haemoglobin, Bilirubin and Serum ALT Level in Spray Painters in Jaffna

By               :- J.Sanjeyan
Supervisors:-Prof. (Ms).V. Arasaratnam, Dr. S. Balakumar, Dr. T. Kumanan & Dr. (Ms.) J. Pradeepan

There is evidence that the spray paints have some cascade effect on Liver function of Spray painters. This project was carried out to study the effect of spray paints on Liver function of Spray painters through comparing the different parameters such Serum Alanine transaminase (ALT), Haemoglobin Level and Serum Bilirubin of Spray painters with the Control group. For this research project 30 Professional painters had been selected randomly Among total population of 39 spray painters who were regularly exposed to spray paints more than 1 year in Jaffna district except islands in the period of August/September 2011. Control group, which's studied in this project showed that the mean(SD) for the Haemoglobin Level 15.19(±1.04) g/dl, Unconjucated bilirubin 6.05(±5.6) µmol/l, Conjucated bilirubin 10.71(±4.52) µmol/l, Serum total bilirubin16.76(±6.35) µmol/l and Serum Alanine transaminase (ALT) 17.92(±9.45) IU. However our studies on Spray painters showed that the mean(SD) for the Haemoglobin Level 14.30(±1.11) g/dl, Serum Unconjucated bilirubin 14.72(±13.28) µmol/l, Conjucated bilirubin 10.1( ±8.61) µmol/l, total bilirubin 24.82(±15.8) µmol/l and Serum Alanine transaminase (ALT) 12.59(±9.59) IU. High prevalence rate of reduction in liver function was observed among the workers as compared to control group which might be due to lack of health education. These ill effects are due to lack of safety measures, poor hygiene and lack of basic health awareness. Impairing of liver function among spray painters can be reduced by arranging health awareness programs.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Medical Students' Subjective Ratings of Stress Levels and Awareness of Student Support Services About Mental Health

This is a research article "Stress of Medical Students" which  I found in Medscape - Postgraduate Medical Journal.Here I have shared here only the abstract + Result of that paper.

Medical Students' Subjective Ratings of Stress Levels and Awareness of Student Support Services About Mental Health
Garry Walter, Nerissa Li-Wey Soh, Sanna Norgren Jaconelli, Lisa Lampe, Gin S Malhi, Glenn Hunt Disclosures Postgrad Med J. 2013;89(1052):311-315. 


Purpose To descriptively assess medical students' concerns for their mental and emotional state, perceived need to conceal mental problems, perceived level of support at university, knowledge and use of student support services, and experience of stresses of daily life.

Study design From March to September 2011, medical students at an Australian university were invited to complete an anonymous online survey.

Results: 475 responses were received. Students rated study and examinations (48.9%), financial concerns (38.1%), isolation (19.4%) and relationship concerns (19.2%) as very or extremely stressful issues. Knowledge of available support services was high, with 90.8% indicating they were aware of the university's medical centre. Treatment rates were modest (31.7%). Students' concerns about their mental state were generally low, but one in five strongly felt they needed to conceal their emotional problems.

Conclusions: Despite widespread awareness of appropriate support services, a large proportion of students felt they needed to conceal mental and emotional problems. Overall treatment rates for students who were greatly concerned about their mental and emotional state appeared modest, and, although comparable with those of similarly aged community populations, may reflect undertreatment. It would be appropriate for universities to address stressors identified by students. Strategies for encouraging distressed students to obtain appropriate assessment and treatment should also be explored. Those students who do seek healthcare are most likely to see a primary care physician, suggesting an important screening role for these health professionals.


Five hundred and twenty-four students responded to the survey, with 475 completing the subjective rating table 'How stressful do you find the following issues in your life'. This yielded a response rate of 40.7%. Table 1 shows how students rated their concern regarding their mental state, their need to conceal their mental state, and how supported they felt at university. The mean age of the students who responded to the rating table was 25.5 years, SD 3.8 (220 male, 254 female, 1 no answer); 81 were international students.

Student Concerns Regarding Mental or Emotional State and the Number Currently Receiving Treatment

More than 60% of respondents reported that they were not at all or a little concerned about their mental or emotional state, while 14% were concerned a lot or a great deal. Fifty-seven (11.9%) reported they were currently receiving treatment for a mental/emotional problem; 23 (35%) of those who said they were concerned a lot or a great deal about their mental or emotional state were currently receiving treatment. Of the 421 who had not received treatment, 31.1% had considered seeking treatment.

Need to Conceal Mental State and Perceived Support

Nearly a third of respondents said they never felt they had to conceal a mental or emotional problem, while a fifth reported they felt a lot of need or always had to conceal a mental or emotional problem. More than half of the respondents felt not at all or a little supported at university, mentally and emotionally, while 17.0% felt the university supported them a lot or a great deal.

Awareness of Support Services and Rates of Use

The best known of the university's support services were the Medical Centre, the University Counselling Service and the Financial Assistance Office (Table 2).

Nearly a third of respondents (151 out of 477) had ever sought treatment for mental or emotional reasons while at university. Of these, the most common services used were the university counselling services, private psychologists and General Practitioners (GPs) (Table 3).

Student Perceptions of How Stressful They Found Life Issues

Table 4 shows students' rankings of how stressful they found financial, relationship, study and examination, isolation, accommodation and living arrangements, travelling and commuting and family issues.

Soruce: Postgraduate Medical Journal (Medscape)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prevalence of Anemia among National School and Provincial School Students in Jaffna Educational Zone

Sahithya.R1, Balakumar.S1, Kandeepan.K1, Vasanthy Arasaratnam1, Kumanan.T2

Department of Biochemistry, Department of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka


This study was done to find out the prevalence of anemia and associated factors among G.C.E Advanced Level students in Jaffna Zonal schools and to provide current prevalence rates of anemia among the students of National schools and Provincial schools in Jaffna zonal schools based on haemoglobin levels.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Evaluation of the Nutritional Status of Female Students aged 16 – 19 years In the Jaffna Zonal Schools

Siddiqa. M1, Vasanthy Arasaratnam1, Balakumar. S1, Kandeepan. K1, Kumanan. T2

1Department of Biochemistry and 2Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka


The objective of the research is to evaluate the nutritional status of G.C.E (A/L) female students aged 16- 19 years in the Jaffna zonal schools using anthropometric indicators and selected biochemical parameters.  A cross sectional sampling was used and 214 female students aged 16−19 years were selected from 20 schools in the Jaffna zone. Nutritional status was evaluated using anthropometric indices such as Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist/Hip ratio (WHR) and biochemical parameters such as serum total protein level, serum albumin level and haemoglobin level.  Of these study population, 92 (42.9%)

Impact of Socio-Economic and Socio-Demographic Factors on Nutritional Status among G.C.E (A/L) Students in Jaffna Zonal Schools

Paul Bright. B1, Vasanthy Arasaratnam1, Balakumar. S1, Kandeepan. K1, Kumanan. T2, Sutharshan. M1

1Department of Biochemistry and 2Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka


High rate of poverty and low socio-economic levels prevail in most developing countries, taking their toll on diet and nutritional status. This study assessed the nutritional status and the impact of  socio-economic and socio-demographic factors of G.C.E (A/L) adolescent students in Jaffna zonal schools. A cross sectional study was used and 193 male (47.1%) and 217 female (52.9%) students aged from 15 to 19 years from twenty schools (four National schools) out of twenty seven schools in Jaffna educational zone were interviewed and examined.

Friday, March 22, 2013

A Comparison of the Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome Using Three Proposed Definitions

1Vinitharan,V. 1Balakumar,S. 1Arasasratnam,V. 2Muhunthan, K.
1Department of Biochemistry 2Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

Various definitions of metabolic syndrome have been proposed by several organizations. The aim of this study was to analyze the variations in the metabolic syndrome prevalence using three proposed definitions and to compare the degree to which participants were being similarly or differently classified by the three definitions. . The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was studied in 395 Tamils in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. The International Diabetic Federation (IDF) definition, National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) definition and the definition

Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Adults aged 20 to 69 years in Kopay Divisional Secretariat Division

C-15 Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Adults aged 20 to 69 Years in Kopay Divisional Secretariat Division - Vinitharan, V., Balakumar,S., Sivarathy,A., Arasasratnam,V. andMuhunthan,K.

1Vinitharan,V. 1Balakumar,S. 1Sivarathy,A. 1Arasasratnam,V. 2Muhunthan,K.

1Department of Biochemistry
2Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka


The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among adults aged 20-69 years in Kopay DS division of Jaffna district and to identify the individual risk factors of metabolic syndrome. A total of 395 subjects aged 20-69 years were included in this study from 14 GS divisions of Kopay DS division. Anthropometric and blood pressure measurements and overnight fasting blood samples were obtained from all subjects.